Corporate Statement.
DUE Capital
We believe the way for a Country to Develop, Prosper, and Fight against Inequality is to have reliable, economical, and sustainable essential services. DUE Capital works in Energy, the foremost needed transversal essential service.

Oil & Gas Services
Provinding realiable and cost effective Oil & Gas services.
Renewable Energy
Well diversified portfolio, both in terms of size and geographically location. Focusing in Colombia's energy revolution.
Oil & Gas Ventures
Strategic //non-operator or operator// investor mainly in Gas Field Assets; Mature develop basing with proven reserves.
For a Bright new Future
It's the right time.Over the last two years Colombia has undertake an agreesive Energy Transition program. Ramping up renewable energy contribution to the national energy matrix from less than 1% to a 15%.
Colombia has had two successfull renewable auctions, encompasing more than 2,000 MW.
Energy and Hydrogen STORY
Colombia launch its Hydrogen Road Map in 2021. At the COP2027 Colombia pledge to be carbon neutral in 2050 and reduce GHE by 45% by 2030.
DUE Capital and Services Has been a player in the Energy market for the last 10 years, both in the tradition and renewable energy.